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project management cost reduction consulting management strategy business strategy research

business strategy

"The essence of strategy is the way a company defines its business and links together the only resources that really matter in today's economy: knowledge and relationships or an organization’s competencies and customers."


(R. Norman & R. Ramirez)

Istana business and organizational strategy, considers and responds to market and related forces affecting your organization. Our goal is to design highly effective and achievable strategies, capable of driving greater shareholder value.

Istana brings expertise in several vital fields:

  • Business and Organizational, strengths and weaknesses assessments.

  • Strategic Business Strategy.

  • Organizational Strategy.

  • Operating vision.

  • Value realization planning.

  • Leadership and governance strategy.

We offer a mix of complementary services. In our perspective, the combination of smart strategies and cutting edge technology creates untouchable companies. Our core mission is to help companies achieve this particular goal.

Our primary target is to help companies develop and implement winning supply chain strategies. We provide a broad range of services such as:

  • new business launch - identifying the right opportunity, developing a winning business plan, communicating the plan to the right audience and executing it effectively

  • portfolios - identify target markets and service area in which to invest

  • business - assessing market opportunities, profiling competitors, choosing the right clients and articulating a winning value proposition

  • operational efficiency and cost containment studies

  • executive search and recruitment

We listen to your individual needs and act accordingly, contact-us for additional details and let your business thrive with our success driven proposals.

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